Pennekamp, F., A. Iles (shared first author), J. Garland, G. Brennan, U. Brose, U. Gaedke, U. Jacob, P. Kratina, B. Matthews, S. Munch, M. Novak, G. M. Palamara, B. Rall, B. Rosenbaum, A. Tabi, C. Ward, R. Williams, H. Ye, O. Petchey. 2019. The intrinsic predictability of ecological time series and its potential to guide forecasting. Ecological Monographs. bioRxiv 350017
Iles, A. C. and M. Novak. 2016. Complexity increases predictability in allometrically-constrained food webs.The American Naturalist 188:1
A.C. Iles. 2014. Toward predicting community level effects of climate: relative temperature scaling of metabolic and ingestion rates. Ecology 95:9, 2657-2668
Iles, A. C., T. C. Gouhier, B. A. Menge, J. Stewart, A. Haupt and M. Lynch. 2012. Climate driven trends and implications of event-scale upwelling in the California Current System. Global Change Biology 18:783-796
See Curriculum Vitae for a complete list of publications.